sunnuntai 2. lokakuuta 2022

The Song of my Heart in the Monikko Hall in Nurmijärvi, the 25th of September, 2022

This year we celebrate the 150th anniversary since the death of author Aleksis Kivi, and in honour of that the Nurmijärvi based festival “Syksy soi” organized a concert called “Sydämeni laulu” (The Song of my Heart). In the concert the narrator (Jukka Rantamäki) told the story of Aleksis Kivi’s life and in between the orchestra played pieces and soloists sang some songs. The name of the concert comes from the poem by Kivi, and in the concert we heard songs made to that poem from four different composers (Jean Sibelius, Aarre Merikanto, Einojuhani Rautavaara and Kimmo Hakola).

I liked the concert a lot and in my opinion it had two highlights. My favourite of the song ”Sydämeni laulu” was by Einojuhani Rautavaara, and it was sung by Aleksi Matikainen. The second highlight was the absolutely genius idea to play one after another two versions of the same song by different composers. The orchestra played both Samuel Rinta-Nikkola’s version and Einojuhani Rautavaara’s version of the folk songs “Närböläisten braa speli”, “Pirun polska” and ”Hypyt”. Since the pieces were played one after another, it gave the audience a great opportunity to compare them, and I at least found it very rewarding.

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