keskiviikko 23. marraskuuta 2016

The Flying Dutcham in the Finnish National Opera, the 22nd of November, 2016



This production of Richard Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman merited a lot of stories before the opening night, because it is a modernized version and tells instead of the damned seacaptain about an international artist. Personally I wasn’t hugely enthousiatic about the modernization: I felt that sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Occasionally the lines (from the original libretto) seemed almost comical compared to the things happening on the stage, sometimes they suited rather well.

The sets were built based on a revolving stage and glass walls. I think the solution was good. Behind the stage videos were projected on the wall, which were partly linked with the modernization (if I understood correctly some criticism about use of social media today?) and partly creating a certain atmosphere. Again I would say, it sometimes worked, sometimes didn’t. I think the costumes were the most in balance part of the performance, so full points to them!

Wagner’s music was, of course, really wonderful and worth listening to. If you plan of buying tickets to this operas and wish to see a particular singer, remember to check who will sing in your performance, since most roles have two singers. This time my favourite was Pauliina Linnosaari, who sang the role of Senta. What a lovely Wagner voice! The voice was delicious, even and distinct and I could have listened to it all evening. The second act, where Senta has a lot to sing, was to me the highligt of the opera. Senta’s aria was really enjoyable. To my sorrow my favourite tenor’s, Tuomas Katajala’s (the steersman) aria ”Mit Gewitter und Sturm aus fernem Meer” had become a flirtatious song and thus even his great voice could not totally salvage it.

Anyway, I can recommend the opera to others, if for no other reason, then for the music of Wagner. In Finland the opera will be seen on-line on Thursday the 24th of November at 18.55 on Yle Klassinen Channel and National Opera’s Stage24.

Art at the opera, Kirsti Rantanen 1993

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