maanantai 9. lokakuuta 2017

Stormskärs Maja in Helsinki City Theatre, the 7th of October, 2017

Almost all a bit older Finns remember the super famous TV-series “Stormskärs Maja” from the seventies, which was based on Anni Blomqvist’s books. Helsinki City Theatre has now made a musical based on those books. The musical has been shown to sold out audiences, which mostly – at least on Saturday – unsurprisingly consist of slightly older people. I hadn’t myself planned to go and see this musical, but I ended up getting an extra ticket and I thought that it is nice to see this much talked about act.

The story that Blomqvist wrote is very strong and it follows Maja’s life in the Finnish archipelago from a young girl to a wife, mother and widow. In this musical the Helsinki City Theatre somehow manages to lose the strong story and the play becomes a potpourri of fragmented scenes and weird dances (the choreography is, to tell you the truth, rather terrible).

The set design and costumes are rather nice, though when it comes to set design it did occur to me occasionally that perhaps the meaning was more to show off the new technical solutions of the just renovated theatre house than to create an interesting set. And I never managed to figure out the meaning of the peculiar wigs of the dancers.
From the point of view of the music the musical was unfortunately rather bland. The theme song of the TV-series stood out, but the rest was mostly forgettable. As such the attempt was ambitious which, unfortunately again, caused problems for the singers. Most of them did not have the adequate range required by the songs. The best moments of the whole musical where the chorus parts. They had the catchiness and edge that the rest of the musical lacked. I also liked the performance of Aaro Wichmann in the role of Janne. His songs stayed safely within his range and they were quite enjoyable to listen to.

Programme (Copyright Asta Karell Shutterstock, Helsinki City Theatre)

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