lauantai 14. lokakuuta 2017

Vierge Moderne at Kaapelitehdas in Turbiinisali, the 13th of October, 2017

Opera Skaala is showing once again in Kaapelitehdas a less traditional opera production. This year the opera “Vierge Moderne” is called an electronic monologue opera. I am not quite sure, if I would call it myself an opera, even though it is sung by an opera singer – Essi Luttinen: in the beginning the music reminded me of Nightwish when Tarja Turunen was still their singer and later it occasionally reminded me even of the European Song Contest.

“Vierge Moderne” tells with the help of electronic music, song and dance about the life of poet Edith Södergran. It was quite clear that the opera had been composed to Essi Luttinen, since it fit like a glove to her voice. I also liked very much the videos that were projected on the white curtains that surrounded the stage. They created the different environments of the scenes in Södergran’s life (a beach, a city etc). Even though the scenes were most of the time played as vague pictures and through dance, it was – with the help of the programme – rather easy to follow the story.

The most fabulous part of the opera were, however, Edith Södergran’s poems. Her whole life was sung through in the words of her own poems. Exquisite text and when the music suited the text, the result was charming. I especially liked the second poem “Kärlek”, were somewhat more simple music and beautiful singing was combined with a lovely poem about love.

From the point of view of the music the evening was a bit ambiguous. Partly the music succeeded to create lovely scenes with the text, but especially in the end it became far too electronic to my taste. But there were enough successful elements in the opera, so that I can definitely recommend it to those people who are not only interested it the old classics. There are still plenty of performances left and tickets are available at


Essi Luttinen and Minttu Pietila

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